Patong holiday plaza 4

Patong holiday plaza 4

We slept with the lights on, at least some guarantee that the insects would not climb into the bed. Инна, Пляж Патонг - в ти минутах ходьбы, идти правда не очень удобно, часть пути прямо по проезжей части, так как нет тротуара. В отеле. Дополнительная информация о бесплатных ссылках для бронирования.

Rats were not seen. We slept with the lights on, at least some guarantee that the insects would not climb into the bed. Breakfast was not eaten or even approached. Knowing what the "hotel" is, there was no desire to eat in unsanitary conditions. To spend the night in this rooming house for one night is an extremely dubious pleasure.

How to live for a long time is a mystery to me. I truly feel sorry for these people. The rooms are ancient, breakfasts are disgusting, living creatures are present. Of the pluses, only proximity to the Jang Ceylon shopping center. Now in detail about all the cons. We arrived on December They said to wait - check-in at At about a Russian-speaking girl came up and said that the rooms were not ready and they were moving us to another hotel on Karon beach, 2 deluxe rooms.

We agree.

Patong Holiday, 3*

Checked in around The next day we were returned back, waiting for check-in, again at , patience was already at the limit, and seeing our anger in our eyes and tone of speech, we were given 1 superior room. The second was defended "after repair". After we waited for the second number.

Holiday Inn Express Phuket Patong Beach Central

Grab the girl from the reception and check if everything is in place. When leaving, we were charged the cost of glass glasses, which we did not see in our eyes. The rooms are cleaned very poorly, cobwebs on the walls, dirt in the corners, mold on the walls in the bathroom. In the superior room, one cockroach was killed every day, the toilet was clogged 2 times, and rats ran under the ceiling at night, namely rats, because the clatter was very loud. More about breakfasts: each one and the same - rice, noodles, potatoes fried in fat, rubber sausages in fat, boiled eggs, watermelon.

The plates are poorly washed, dirt, crumbs are all around, the tables are not wiped at all. Believe me, we are people with an optimistic outlook on life, we drove with a positive attitude, read bad reviews about this hotel, thought, well, everything is not so bad, it turned out that way. Try not to come to this hotel. They charge a deposit of baht per person, Wi-fi is free only at the reception.

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The room got already with a balcony without a clothesline , a refrigerator, a kettle, a safe, a hairdryer and a TV, which shows the First Channel. They were cleaned every day, but the bed linen cannot be called perfectly clean. Breakfast is terrible - nothing to eat. There were some semi-salted flakes with milk. The pool is just one name. Questions 1. Is it possible to leave a passport at Tuana Patong Holiday instead of a deposit of baht? More » Ask a Question. Open map.

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